Taking on ESG Initiatives Amidst Global Turmoil

Fiducient Advisors, Bob DiMeo
1 min readJun 15, 2022

Gas prices have spiked exponentially. Inflation is at 40-year highs. World peace is disrupted due to the war in Eastern Europe.

Amidst all of this global turmoil, how should investors think about ESG investing? How can organizations advance mission-aligned initiatives?

Find out in this episode, as Bob DiMeo and Devon Francis speak with Habib Subjally, senior portfolio manager and head of global equities at RBC Global Asset Management. Habib shares thoughtful insights and strategies for effective ESG integration within an organization your organization and yoru portfolio.

You will learn:

  • Why the current momentum in ESG investing is here to stay
  • How ESG investing can lead to greater commercial success and financial returns
  • Ways to navigate the complexities of the current ESG landscape (and some trending investment themes)
  • How portfolio managers can adopt ESG initiatives despite a lack of standardized industry data

